Or Toscana. However you want it. What can I say when everything had already been said? To put it short: It's beautiful. Amazing. I could not believe it. I thought that everybody who has been there exaggerate a little bit. But no. It's really that beautiful.
So we (me, my wife and daughter) decided to spent a week of our vacations in Tuscany. But where to go and where to stay? I gamble a little bit and did the search exclusively on net. You know that Google is your friend on Internet, don't you? But, what to do with zillion pages and hits that you get? Nothing. I checked it out randomly and try to find "Tuscany home page". I did and I continue my a search there. I stayed away from "luxury B&B" and "Russian language flag" sites. Do I need to say why? After hour or so I had enough of that. I sent an e-mails to a dozen of farmhouses (agriturismo) and I wait. Not for long. I did eliminate ones that didn't respond the same day. That narrowed my selection to 5 farmhouses. A little more e-mails and I booked my vacations in "Agriturismo La Poggiarella ". It's "strategically" placed in a middle of triangle of this towns: Firenze (Florence), Sienna and Pisa. It's in village Coiano. Excellent. We decide that one day will be for excursions, next day for relaxing by the pool. Oh, what a hard life. We visited Florence, Sienna, San Gimignano, Monteriggioni, Vinci and some beautiful places around farmhouse. Photography? I did some. I didn't went there to photograph Tuscany, although that was my secret wish. I went there on vacations. Big difference. But I did take quite a lot of photos. Some good, most of them average. I brought with me all my photo equipment: Nikon D80,Tokina 20-35 f/2,8, Nikon 50mm f/1,8 and Sigma 100-300 f/4 (not that much, ha). As you can see, I don't have any "travel" lens. Mistake. I would give my left kidney for Nikon AF-S 18-200VR. Or some other 18-200 lens. So, I choose a Tokina as my walk-around lens. I did take some portraits with Nikon 50mm and a few birds pictures with Sigma 100-300. But I could happily left Sigma 100-300 at home. If you are planing to go in Tuscany on vacations, take with you 18-200 lens and enjoy yourself. Which one? Take a pick. If you will go there just to photograph this beautiful country, take all your equipment with you, borrow some and leave your family at home!
Here are some pictures:So we (me, my wife and daughter) decided to spent a week of our vacations in Tuscany. But where to go and where to stay? I gamble a little bit and did the search exclusively on net. You know that Google is your friend on Internet, don't you? But, what to do with zillion pages and hits that you get? Nothing. I checked it out randomly and try to find "Tuscany home page". I did and I continue my a search there. I stayed away from "luxury B&B" and "Russian language flag" sites. Do I need to say why? After hour or so I had enough of that. I sent an e-mails to a dozen of farmhouses (agriturismo) and I wait. Not for long. I did eliminate ones that didn't respond the same day. That narrowed my selection to 5 farmhouses. A little more e-mails and I booked my vacations in "Agriturismo La Poggiarella ". It's "strategically" placed in a middle of triangle of this towns: Firenze (Florence), Sienna and Pisa. It's in village Coiano. Excellent. We decide that one day will be for excursions, next day for relaxing by the pool. Oh, what a hard life. We visited Florence, Sienna, San Gimignano, Monteriggioni, Vinci and some beautiful places around farmhouse. Photography? I did some. I didn't went there to photograph Tuscany, although that was my secret wish. I went there on vacations. Big difference. But I did take quite a lot of photos. Some good, most of them average. I brought with me all my photo equipment: Nikon D80,Tokina 20-35 f/2,8, Nikon 50mm f/1,8 and Sigma 100-300 f/4 (not that much, ha). As you can see, I don't have any "travel" lens. Mistake. I would give my left kidney for Nikon AF-S 18-200VR. Or some other 18-200 lens. So, I choose a Tokina as my walk-around lens. I did take some portraits with Nikon 50mm and a few birds pictures with Sigma 100-300. But I could happily left Sigma 100-300 at home. If you are planing to go in Tuscany on vacations, take with you 18-200 lens and enjoy yourself. Which one? Take a pick. If you will go there just to photograph this beautiful country, take all your equipment with you, borrow some and leave your family at home!

Imam občutek, da sem to nekje že gledal. Ampak še vedno mi je tista z marjeticami v ospredju najboljša.
Res lepa pokrajina. Ko se namenim v tiste kraje se priporočam, za kakšen namig, kam in kdaj.
Ni problema. Samo sporoči.
Gledal si pa na mojem slo bolgu.
A to bo to ;) čist sm že zmešan, ko kdaj iščem post tle, pa tam..... Prava mala zmeda :) Se mi zdi, da vsebina ni ista, pa gledam oba. Ah bo že :D
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